Goal number 1 for business is driving sales. If you’re selling a piece of clothes, food, or even participating in a service or online tool. You can take care of many details or put a complicated sales strategy. You are right. It’s a very important process. On the other hand, a small detail like the colors you use can improve your sales strategy.
As you think about every action and word, how to sell, how to treat the customer, and the other after selling services. One thing that you perhaps don’t think about enough is the effect of colors on our sales interactions. Which color will be more suitable for your brand voice? Which color will you choose to fit the call to action buttons on the website?
Colors can be more than a graphic element in branding or the other phases of your marketing strategy. As certain moods make you think about some colors. Also, a certain color can trigger some moods. It explains why 85% of shoppers say that color is their primary reason for buying a product.
Colors can drive your business more sales
What do you want the customers to think & feel when they see your logo or website? It’s a primary question that needs your answer before choosing your color pallet. Every color can drive some actions due to your marketing goals and sales strategy.
- Red
Red is one of the most powerful colors. If you want to appear as an attractive brand, use red. But don’t overdo it. It also can have the opposite effect. Think about it why the SALE sign is always red. It’s a very triggering color that can attract more action. Try it with your call to action button, especially if you offer a competitive price.
- Blue
The color of trust is blue. It gives the brand some sort of trust, worth, and wealth. In opposite to red, blue isn’t a triggering color. It helps the customer slow down and think more to take convincing action. That makes blue a good choice for background and conversion elements on websites that deal with intrinsically scary things like finances, medicine, or insurance. So, blue is perfect for indirect selling that depends on logic. For best results, you can do your own mix between blue and complementary colors like yellow, orange, and red.
- Green
Green always means permission. The green light is the ‘go’ signal on stoplights. If you mirror that to your business, you will get more sales with green buy buttons. The other side of the green shades is the freely & the pleasing feeling. Thus, it is a perfect choice for a brand that supports an environmental approach. As known, the recycling sign is green too. It can also mean that you use natural ingredients in your product. All you need to think about is the direction you want to go for, and then use the green color in suitable buttons or graphical elements to align with your goals.
- Purple
If your brand offers a kind of luxury services and high-end products, then go for purple. It has a sense of royalty and is perfect for lending a touch of elegance and prestige to your marketing materials. If you take the purple choice, be more careful. As purple is a kind of pink for grownups. This makes it more preferable for women than men. So, you have to put into consideration the majority gender of your target audience.
- Black
The boldest shade in your color pallet. It’s not suitable for all kinds of business. At the same time, it has a deep effect on the audience. As it adds some sort of drama or a story behind the brand. Here comes your role to formulate that story to make the customers engaged with your brand and raise the brand’s value in their minds. You’d better use black with contrasting colors like white to get better results.
Black has a good effect on luxury with high-end brands that is mainly suitable for the male audience, for instance, Rolls-Royce & Lamborghini.
- Other colors
Using certain colors to drive more sales or better marketing results comes up to the voice of the brand and the customer you are targeting. If you’re targeting teenage girls, you may choose Pink for its feminine and funny vibes.
Yellow and Orange shades are a very energetic choice that can attract the youth of both genders. It adds dynamic soul to your brand, but it’s a tricky hue. Hence you need to be more accurate when you use it.
The elements that can give you higher results and an effective sales strategy have no end. It adds more hassle to you while you need every cell in your brain to a core focus on the main field of the business. This can be easier when you choose to have an expert opinion. It helps your business to drive more sales through the shortest road.
If it sparks your interest or do you have further questions? Please contact us for more marketing Services.